fruit finder
an apple picking, bear saving, abudance manifesting web app
I live and play in Rossland, BC. Among the town’s many assets are hundreds of fruit trees and more than a few local bears. Annual gleaning days help reduce wildlife attractants and are great community builders. Alas, out-dated paper maps have made these harvest days a bit of a treasure hunt. I produced a custom web app to streamline future gleaning efforts.
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Tech notes: In a nutshell, it's a deployment of Esri's Crowdsource Reporter configurable web app on ArcGIS Online. A number of hosted feature layer views allow for varying feature symbology based on values from a related comments table. ArcGIS Online made sense since the City of Rossland is already locked in to the service for a number of other products, as well as allowing for relatively quick (if somewhat limited) deployment.

Ease of use was my #1 priority in creating the app